An educational support group for women who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence and/or abuse
The programme is interactive, inclusive and educational.
10 Week Programme
12 Places Available
Weekday Evening
Group Sessions
2 Hour Sessions
1-2-1 Pre-Sessopm
We cover safety planning, the tactics used in an abusive relationship, the warning signs as well as personal boundaries and building healthy relationships in a way that is engaging and
The 10 sessions cover
Personal safety
Honeymoon and warning signs
Power and Control
The impact on children
Healthy boundaries
Healthy relationships
Endings and moving on
The course has a self-care element in every session
The programme is facilitated by Orlanda and Louise, two Bournemouth University Staff as volunteers. Orlanda and Louise are both qualified social workers and accredited Phoenix Programme facilitators. Orlanda is also a qualified Freedom Programme Trainer.